Saturday, July 16, 2005


Needs to go to Search for a Cannibal Corpse video. Listen to the "music" Seriously...everyone deserves the chance to make fun of that. Everyone!. If you don't check it out...i want you to know....that it just sounds like Barking.... One of the songs is censored... I was like whats the POINT!?

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Sometimes I just cannot feel comfortable in my own skin, I used to sit and wait for my life to begin, Sometimes I feel workless and weak, Sometimes I wonder if I'll find what I seek, The love of another makes me feel fine, Sometimes when I'm alone I cry to myself and whine, Sometimes I hate me and just want to die, Sometimes I just wish you would just walk on by, Sometimes I want to be left alone, Sometimes I wish I didn't have two homes, Sometimes I want to scream my mom, Sometimes I wish I were more calm, Sometimes I want to just run away, Sometimes I hide behind what I say, But today...I'm okay.....I'm okay...