Sunday, May 08, 2005

I haven't really ranted on here for awhile, so I figured why not.

Non Japanese Grandmas Invading My Solitude...

Ok. So my grandma is gonna be selling her house, because her "boyfriend" of like 20 something years is screwing her over. He was like my grandpa. But lets not even get me started with him....he is BEYOND making me mad. I mean the things he did are just ludicrous... but enough with that... So I guess she may be living in my house for awhile... I don't know how or if this is gonna work out... Because I have my life... my friends.. my tampon fairy.... and if theres a old grandma-ish person here...I'm just not sure if this is gonna screw with my routine.... But... I love her all the same....(but I'd love her more if she was a japanese grandma, JUST KIDDING!)

My CamelToe Mommy Person...

This summer shes wanting me for a week to go to Disney World and such. Wheres the problem? We are driving...with 3 immature boys and one girl. Hows that gonna work? I get where I wanna punch my brother in the face alot...but imagine being in a Tahoe with him for like 13 hours. And he complans way to much. Like a guy on a constant menstural period. Want some Midol there buddy? Can you say hell? No...thats not a strong enough word for what I'll be in. Not only that but I'll be away from my "home". My mom will always be my mom, but I'm happier here. Where my friends are. Where my dad is. Where my boyfriend is. This is my home. I love this house!!! It is what I've always wanted. A place to stay from now til I move out. And then it would be my DREAM to buy this from my dad when I'm older and raise my own kids herem, ya know? Ah.. my sappy dream....bite me...

Anyway. Its past my bed time thing and I don't feel like talking to my computer anymore...Now I think I'm going to talk to my pet rock Thomas...He never talks back though...I'm sad....
